Edmund David Lyon - La sculpture indienne (c. 1868)

Edmund David LYON - Close view of sculpture on the façade of a temple in the Khartaravasi Tuk, Satrunjaya - c. 1868
British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Madura. Pillar in Trimul Naik's Portico. Figure of watchman on left of entrance - c. 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Madura. The Great Pagoda [Minakshi Sundareshvara Temple]. Carved figure on right near the entrance - c. 1868British Library, Londres
Edmund David LYON - Madura. The Great Pagoda [Minakshi Sundareshvara Temple]. Carved pillar near the entrance - c. 1868British Library, Londres
Edmund David LYON - Carved figure in Tinnevelly [Tirunelveli] Pagoda. - c. 1868British Library, Londres
Edmund David LYON - Madura. Pillar in Trimul Naik's Portico. Figure of watchman on right of entrance - c.1868 
British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Madura. The Great Pagoda [Minakshi Sundareshvara Temple]. Carved pillars in portico near the tank - c. 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Madura. Pillar in Trimul Naik's Portico [Pudu Mandapa]. Shiva feeding an elephant - c. 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Madura. Pillar in Trimul Naik's Portico [Pudu Mandapa]. Figure praying - c. 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Pillar in Trimul Naik's Portico [Pudu Mandapa]. The marriage ceremony - c. 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Madura. Trimul Naik's Portico [Pudu Mandapa]. Pillar at N.W. corner of building - c. 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Madura. Trimul Naik's Portico [Pudu Mandapa]. Pillar at S.W. corner of building - c. 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Avadea Covill [Avadaiyarkoil]. Carved pillar in front of porch - c. 1868British Library, Londres
Edmund David LYON - Avadea Covill [Avadaiyarkoil]. Carved pillar in front of porch - c. 1868British Library, Londres
Edmund David LYON - Avadea Covill [Avadaiyarkoil]. Carved pillar in front of porch - 1868British Library, Londres
Edmund David LYON - Avadea Covill [Avadaiyarkoil]. Carved pillar in front of porch - 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Avadea Covill [Avadaiyarkoil]. Carved pillar in front of porch - 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Avadea Covill [Avadaiyarkoil]. Carved pillar in front of porch - 1868British Library, Londres

Edmund David LYON - Close view of sculpture on the façade of a temple in the Khartaravasi Tuk, Satrunjaya - c. 1868British Library, Londres
Edmund David LYON - Marble image of Rishabhanatha (Adinatha), the first Jain Tirthankara, in the Ramaji Gandharia Temple, Satrunjaya - c. 1868British Library, Londres
Edmund David LYON - Close view of sculpture on the façade of one of the temples near the Adishvara Bhagarai Temple in the Vimalavasi Tuk, Satrunjaya - c. 1868British Library, Londres

Petite bibliographie aléatoire :
Biographie d'Edmund David Lyon sur Luminous-Lint
Sophie Gordon - Monumental visions : architectural photography in India, 1840-1901 (importante bibliographie complémentaire)


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