Egon Schiele - L'exposition du centenaire

Egon Schiele, Self-Portrait with Chinese Lantern Plant, 1912 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 453

Quoi de plus normal que le Leopold Museum de Vienne y aille aussi de son Show du Centenaire (de la mort d'Egon Schiele). Le musée se targue d'avoir la plus grande collection de ses oeuvres.
Egon Schiele. The Jubilee Show (jusqu'au 04 novembre 2018)

Egon Schiele, Portrait of Wally Neuzil, 1912 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 453

Egon Schiele, The Hermits, 1912 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 466

Egon Schiele, Kardinal und Nonne ("Liebkosung"), 1912 © Leopold Museum, Wien

Egon Schiele, Setting Sun, 1913 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 625

Egon Schiele, Crescent of Houses ll ("Island Town") © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 456

Egon Schiele, Self-Portrait with Raised Bare Shoulder, 1912 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 653

Egon Schiele, Levitation (The Blind ll), 1915 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 467

Egon Schiele hinter dem auf einer Staffelei befindlichen Gemälde "Herbstbaum in bewegter Luft ("Winterbaum"), 1912 © Leopold Privatsammlung

Egon Schiele, Liegende Frau, 1917 © Leopold Museum, Wien, Inv. 626

Egon Schiele, Reclining Boy (Erich Lederer) © Leopold Museum, Wien, Inv.Nr. 1408

Egon Schiele, Moa, 1911 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 2310

Egon Schiele, Mother and Daughter, 1913 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 1436

Egon Schiele, Self-Portrait with Striped Shirt, 1910 © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 1458

Egon Schiele, Seated Male Nude (Self-Portrait) © Leopold Museum, Vienna, Inv. 465

EGON SCHIELE, Sitting Girl with Spread Thighs, 1918 © Leopold Museum, Vienna

Egon Schiele, »Prediger« (Selbstakt mit blaugrünem Hemd), 1913 © Leopold Museum, Wien, Inv. 2365

Portrait of Egon Schiele from 1915 in front of his mirror in his Hietzing Atelier, in the background the painting "Death and Girl" © Leopold Privatsammlung/Foto: Leopold Museum, Wien

Porträt of Egon Schiele, 1914 © Imagno / Austrian Archives, Photograph: Anton Josef Trčka

Egon Schiele, Two Squatting Women, 1918 (unfinished) © Leopold Museum, Vienna

Egon Schiele, Nude Self-Portrait in Gray with Open Mouth, 1910 © Leopold Museum, Vienna

Anton Josef Trcka, Ego Schiele next to his 1913 painting "Encounter", which ist now lost, 1914 © Leopold, Private Collection

Einblick in die Ausstellung "Egon Schiele" © Leopold Museum Vienna
In 2018, 100 years after his death, a special exhibition is dedicated to the central artist of the Leopold Museum’s collection, Egon Schiele (1890–1918): unique in its combination of paintings, works on paper and archival material, the exhibition touches upon the most important themes in the artist’s oeuvre: first of all, his self-confident breaking with traditions and his evolution as an expressive artist, followed by motivic groups including the ambivalent figure of the mother and the taboo-breaking depictions of young girls and boys, themes such as spirituality and metamorphosis, his enigmatic houses and landscapes, as well as his tension-filled and complex analyses in his portrait depictions. 
The emphases of the exhibition are derived from those of the history-making Leopold collections: in terms of the oil paintings and works on paper, the emphasis is on the Expressionist years from 1910–1914, with a third of the works on paper each dedicated to his self-portraits, his portraits and nude renderings of girls and finally those of grown-up women. The paintings, meanwhile, touch upon all the themes mentioned above. Along with the comprehensive museum collection, whose works on paper will be shown in three separate stages for conservational reasons, individual eminent Schiele works from international collections will feature in the jubilee exhibition as “noble guests”.

Egon Schiele. The Jubilee Show (jusqu'au 04 novembre 2018)


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